Influence of accessibility on health service preferences in the informal sector in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Makassar City

Influence Of Accessibility On Health Service Preferences In The Informal Sector In The Era Of The Covid-19 Pandemic In Makassar City The impact of COVID-19 has made business actors, especially informal sector business actors, to lay off and even terminate employment (PHK). This condition causes the access of informal sector business actors, including to health services, to experience problems. The purpose of the study was to identify the impact of the accessibility dimensions of health services and government policies on the health service preferences of informal sector actors in Makassar City in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. This type of research is a qualitative research with a case study approach. The procedure for selecting informants in this study was carried out purposively. The size/number of informants in this study was determined on the basis of the theory of saturation. The informants in this study were people who worked in the informal sector/business actors. Accessibility dimensions based on proximity in the Covid-19 Pandemic era did not affect the preferences of informal sector actors to prioritize self-medication at home if the illness they suffered could still be treated by taking medicine, even though facilities were available. modern health services in the domicile areas of informal sector actors. The dimensions of accessibility based on acceptance in the form of perceptions of health services, the availability of health service facilities and good and quality health human resources, and affordability from geographical and economic aspects in the Covid-19 Pandemic era did not affect the preferences of informal sector actors to continue to prioritize self-medication at home. To maintain public compliance with the transmission of Covid 19, it is necessary to carry out structural interventions in the form of enforcing disciplinary rules and imposing strict sanctions for prokes violators to arouse public awareness from the RT/RW, kelurahan, sub-district and district/city levels.
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