Identifying High-Level Concept Clones in Software Programs Using Method’s Descriptive Documentation

Software clones are code fragments with similar or nearly similar functionality or structures. These clones are introduced in a project either accidentally or deliberately during software development or maintenance process. The presence of clones poses a significant threat to the maintenance of software systems and is on the top of the list of code smell types. Clones can be simple (fine-grained) or high-level (coarse-grained), depending on the chosen granularity of code for the clone detection. Simple clones are generally viewed at the lines/statements level, whereas high-level clones have granularity as a block, method, class, or file. High-level clones are said to be composed of multiple simple clones. This study aims to detect high-level conceptual code clones (having granularity as java methods) in java-based projects, which is extendable to the projects developed in other languages as well. Conceptual code clones are the ones implementing a similar higher-level abstraction such as an Abstract Data Type (ADT) list. Based on the assumption that “similar documentation implies similar methods”, the proposed mechanism uses “documentation” associated with methods to identify method-level concept clones. As complete documentation does not contribute to the method’s semantics, we extracted only the description part of the method’s documentation, which led to two benefits: increased efficiency and reduced text corpus size. Further, we used Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) with different combinations of weight and similarity measures to identify similar descriptions in the text corpus. To show the efficacy of the proposed approach, we validated it using three java open source systems of sufficient length. The findings suggest that the proposed mechanism can detect methods implementing similar high-level concepts with improved recall values.
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