Simulation of 4d\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory with Symanzik improved gauge action and stout smearing

We report on the results of a numerical simulation concerning the low-lying spectrum of four-dimensional \(\mathcal{N}=1\) SU(2) Supersymmetric Yang–Mills (SYM) theory on the lattice with light dynamical gluinos. In the gauge sector the tree-level Symanzik improved gauge action is used, while we use the Wilson formulation in the fermion sector with stout smearing of the gauge links in the Wilson–Dirac operator. The ensembles of gauge configurations were produced with the Two-Step Polynomial Hybrid Monte Carlo (TS-PHMC) updating algorithm. We performed simulations on large lattices up to a size of 243⋅48 at β=1.6. Using QCD units with the Sommer scale being set to r0=0.5 fm, the lattice spacing is about a≃0.09 fm, and the spatial extent of the lattice corresponds to 2.1 fm. At the lightest simulated gluino mass the spin-1/2 gluino–glue bound state appeared to be considerably heavier than its expected super-partner, the pseudoscalar bound state. Whether supermultiplets are formed remains to be studied in upcoming simulations.
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