Internal Structure of Molecular Gas in a Main-sequence Galaxy With a UV Clump at z = 1.45

We present results of sub-arcsec ALMA observations of CO(2-1) and CO(5-4) toward a massive main sequence galaxy at z = 1.45 in the SXDS/UDS field, aiming at examining the internal distribution and properties of molecular gas in the galaxy. Our target galaxy consists of the bulge and disk, and has a UV clump in the HST images. The CO emission lines are clearly detected and the CO(5-4)/CO(2-1) flux ratio (R_52) is ~1, similar to that of the Milky Way. Assuming a metallicity dependent CO-toH_2 conversion factor and a CO(2-1)/CO(1-0) flux ratio of 2 (the Milky Way value), the molecular gas mass and the gas mass fraction (f_gas = molecular gas mass / (molecular gas mass + stellar mass)) are estimated to be ~1.5x10^11 M_Sun and ~0.55, respectively. We find that R_52 peak coincides with the position of the UV clump and its value is approximately two times higher than the galactic average. This result implies high gas density and/or high temperature in the UV clump, which qualitatively agrees with a numerical simulation of a clumpy galaxy. The CO(2-1) distribution is well represented by a rotating disk model and its half-light radius is ~2.3 kpc. Compared to the stellar distribution, the molecular gas is more concentrated in the central region of the galaxy. We also find that f_gas decreases from ~0.6 at the galactic center to ~0.2 at 3xhalf-light radius, indicating that the molecular gas is distributed in more central region of the galaxy than stars and seems to associate with the bulge rather than the stellar disk.
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