Hemorragia subaracnoidea aneurismática: cefalea con síntomas de alarma

espanolLa hemorragia subaracnoidea aneurismatica es un sangrado secundario a rotura aneurismatica en el cual la sangre se colecciona en el espacio subaracnoideo. La hemorragia subaracnoidea es una emergencia y necesita atencion medica inmediata, lo que hace fundamental su sospecha diagnostica. Esta debera ser realizada en funcion de la clinica, para lo cual es fundamental el reconocimiento de los signos de alarma de una cefalea, ya que en ese caso habra que realizar pruebas complementarias, siendo la TAC de eleccion. El tratamiento sera principalmente endovascular y requerira un tratamiento precoz para mejorar el pronostico en el paciente. En atencion primaria es fundamental discernir entre las cefaleas urgentes y las que no lo son. EnglishAneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage is a bleeding secondary to aneurysmal rupture, collecting blood in the subarachnoid space. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is an emergency and needs immediate medical attention, which makes its diagnostic suspicion fundamental. The diagnostic suspicion will have to be carried out according to the clinic, for which the recognition of the headache warning signs is essential, since in the case of a suspicion of a headache with warning signs, complementary tests will have to be carried out, being of choice the CT scan. The treatment will be mainly endovascular and will require early treatment to improve the prognosis in the patient. In Primary Care level, a good orientation of headache is essential to distinguish between those that are urgent and those that are not.
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