Identifying molecularly defined antigens for a Histoplasma capsulatum-specific interferon gamma release assay

Abstract Background In a previous work we showed the feasibility of an interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) for detecting latent infection by Histoplasma capsulatum. While in that proof-of-concept study we used crude fungal extracts as antigens, the newest IGRAs developed for other infections are based on molecularly defined antigens, mostly on mixtures of immunogenic peptides. Aims To identify proteins in H. capsulatum that might serve as molecularly defined antigens for an IGRA test. Methods We surveyed the literature looking for known H. capsulatum-immunogenic proteins and assayed two of them as antigens in an IGRA test, in a study that involved 80 volunteers. Furthermore, we used several bioinformatics tools to identify specific H. capsulatum proteins and to analyze possible strategies for the design of H. capsulatum-specific immunogenic peptides. Results Seven H. capsulatum-immunogenic proteins were retrieved from the literature. IGRA tests using either the heat shock protein 60 or the M antigen showed high sensitivities but low specificities, most likely due to the high sequence similarity with the corresponding orthologs in other pathogenic microorganisms. We identified around 2000 H. capsulatum-specific proteins, most of which remain unannotated. Class II T-cell epitope predictions for a small number of these proteins showed a great variability among different alleles, prompting for a “brute force” approach for peptide design. Conclusions The H. capsulatum genome encodes a large number of distinctive proteins, which represent a valuable source of potential specific antigens for an IGRA test. Among them, the Cfp4 protein stands out as a very attractive candidate.
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