Reintroduction of the Eurasian Lynx to the United Kingdom: results of a public survey

The Lynx UK Trust commissioned a consultation exercise to collect views on the reintroduction of lynx to the UK. A national consultation exercise sought to describe the opinions of two specific target audiences: the Pro-active voice – members of the general public who would actively seek to express their opinions given the means to do so; the Passive voice – a representative sample of the UK general public which may include those who have an opinion on the subject but would probably not actively seek to express it unless specifically asked. Consultation focused on three main propositions: 1. We should reintroduce species that were once found in the UK but have since become extinct. 2. As part of a controlled and monitored scientific trial lynx should be reintroduced to the UK. 3. As part of a controlled and monitored scientific trial lynx should be reintroduced to the UK within the next twelve months.
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