Вплив ліпофільних фракцій видів роду Artemisia L. на адгезивні властивості мікроорганізмів

The degree of influence of Artemisia absinthium L., A. vulgaris L. and A. austriaca Jacq. herbs chloroformic and ethylacetate-ethanolic fractions on adhesive properties of pathogenic microorganisms has been investigated. It has been established that lipophilic fractions poses a pronounced antiadhesive effect on used microorganisms test-cultures. It is shown that chloroformic extract of A. austriaca Jacq. has the highest inhibitory activity among all fractions investigated. The correlation between quantitative levels of alcohol, phenolic compounds, amounts of alcohols and phenols in the investigated fractions of Artemisia and a decrease in the index of adhesiveness with respect to certain microorganisms has been established. Results of the experiment partly explain the mechanism of the antibacterial activity of plant biologically active substances and show an availability of their usage in low dosage for decreasing selective advantages of pathogenic microorganisms.
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