Percepció interpersonal i interacció social dels adolescents

Aquesta investigacio es basa en les interaccions que es produeixen entre el desenvolupament socio-emocional i el desenvolupament intel.lectual dels adolescents, posant emfasi en dimensions cognitives diferencials que tenen forta transcendencia en les relacions interpersonals La mostra d’aquest estudi esta formada per 2208 adolescents amb edats entre 12 i 16 anys, corresponents a 10 centres de la provincia de Barcelona. Les dades s’han obtingut mitjancant la passacio d’un sociograma. Aquest sociograma, AIS, permet obtenir gran varietat de dades, les principals que s’han utilitzat en aquesta tesi han estat: a) la mitjana de les valoracions rebudes d’amistat; b) la mitjana de les valoracions rebudes de comportament; c) l’index de percepcio (habilitat que presenta cada adolescent per detectar l’actitud dels altres envers ell mateix); d) l’autovaloracio del comportament; i e) la motivacio personal. A nivell d’analisi grupal tambe permet coneixer els alumnes que reben millors valoracions (liders) i els que reben les pitjors (rebutjats). Amb la premissa que les interaccions entre adolescents son crucials en aquesta etapa de la vida i constatant que la bona convivencia assegura l’exit del grup classe, aquesta recerca s’endinsa en analitzar els processos i mecanismes que la ment humana posa en marxa a l’hora de gestionar les relacions entre persones. En la primera recerca es demostra que, tal com s’havia predit en la primera hipotesi, els alumnes que presenten baixa percepcio interpersonal reben mostres d’amistositat d’un 40,7% dels companys, mentre que els que presenten millor percepcio en reben mes del doble, el 83%, es a dir, els alumnes amb millor percepcio reben millors valoracions d’amistat i els que presenten baixa percepcio reben valoracions mes baixes. Malgrat siguin mes baixes cal tenir present que son favorables, i per tant, d’una classe de 20 alumnes de promig, representaria que 8 persones presenten una disposicio amistosa vers l’alumne que te baixa percepcio. Aquesta dada es important per planificar una intervencio que fomenti la relacio entre aquesta persona i les altres vuit, podent actuar de grup protector i mediador per augmentar l’acceptacio i prevenir situacions extremes com el bullying. El segon estudi esta centrat en el comportament, partint d’una informacio ampliament descrita en la literatura: els nois adolescents solen presentar pitjor comportament que les noies. Va sorgir la pregunta de si aquest pitjor comportament es veuria reflectit en l’acceptacio per part del grup (tant de nois com de noies) de companys de classe. La valoracio mitjana d’amistositat obtinguda (en una escala de -2 a 2) pels nois va ser de 1,17 i les noies de 1,12. En canvi en el comportament els nois van rebre una mitjana de 0,423 i les noies de 0,846 (escala de -2 a 2). Es a dir, tot i presentar un comportament pitjor reben una mitjana de valoracio fins i tot una mica superior. Analitzant els casos de pitjor comportament, les noies amb mal comportament tambe van rebre una valoracio mitjana d’enemistat d’un 51%, en canvi, els nois amb mal comportament nomes van rebre mostres d’enemistat d’un 20%, es a dir, el 80% dels companys els dona valoracio positiva d’amistat malgrat presenten mal comportament. Per tant, el grup d’iguals es mes tolerant amb el mal comportament dels nois que de les noies. Per ultim, el tercer estudi se centra en el paper de la cultura. En aquest cas es compara la cultura magrebina amb la cultura d’aqui. Els adolescents magrebins obtenen puntuacions inferiors entre un 14 i 15% que els companys autoctons tant en la valoracio d’amistat, com en el comportament, com en el seu rendiment perceptiu. Per tant, els valors culturalment adquirits constitueixen un handicap addicional que cal tenir en compte per la integracio. The research is aimed to the interactions between social-emotional and intellectual developments in teenagers, focussing the cognitive dimensions that heavily influence inter-personal relationships. 2208 adolescents, 12 to 16 years-old, are the sample examined in this work. They belong to 10 educational centres established in Barcelona province. Data has been gathered throughout a computerized Sociogram, AIS, which provides a variety of indexes. Those employed i current research have been: (a) average friendship scores; (b) average behaviour scores; (c) perception index (how skilful an adolescent is in detecting others’ attitudes toward him/her); (d) a self-evaluation of behaviour; and (e) personal motivation to attend the educational Centre. In terms of group-analysis the software also provides information about the best evaluated students (expected to be leaders) and worst evaluated students (those that may be refused by the group). Considering that social interactions are central among adolescents in this period of their lives, and that a fine coexistence warrants the success of the class, these Thesis deepens in the mechanisms that human minds trigger when dealing with social relationships. In the first empirical approach is clearly shown, as it was predicted by the main hypothesis, that those students with a poor inter-personal perception receive friendly responses from a 40.7% of their mates, while those that display the best perceptions receive this kind of responses from more than the double of their class-mates – an 83%. Although the distance is clearly significant, both statistically and conceptually, it should be taken into consideration than the attitude of the class-mates is roughly positive. That is, in a 20 people class, 8 students are eager to establish friendly bonds with those students having low perception. This information is very important in order to plan an intervention that may connect the low-perception students with some or all of this eight-person set, which may act as protection-group and foster the acceptance in the wider social environment of the class, as well as prevent aggressions, including bullying. The second source of empirical data focussed on behaviour, on the basis of a extensively reported information in the field literature: boys usually behave worse than girls. However it made sense to wonder whether this worse behaviour would have an effect on the acceptance by their class-mates (both boys and girls). If acceptance depended more in social-expectations linked to gender roles than in actual behaviour of the individual, no sensible differences should be awaited. Average sympathy index for the boys was 1.17 (in a range from -2 to 2) while the girls obtained an average score of 1.12, non existing statistically significant differences. On the other hand, boys’ behaviour was evaluated with an average score of 0.423 (also in a range from -2 to 2) while girls obtained an average score of 0,846, a difference that was clearly statistically significant (p < 0.001). That means that the boys’ behaviour, despite being rather worse than that of the girls, has no effect on their acceptance by the group of age-mates. In a more detailed analysis of the cases that behaved worse, girls with bad behaviour received an average enmity score (i.e. a negative value) in 51% of the cases, while that only happened in a 20% of the boys with bad behaviour. Hence it must be inferred that class-mates are far more tolerant whit boys’, compared with girls’, bad behaviour. Finally, the third empirical approach tested the role of culture in socialization. Students with Maghreb origin where compared with locals, observing that the first group obtained average scores that where 14-15% lower than those of locals, both in declared friendship, evaluation of their behaviour and, very importantly, in their perception index. These results point to the role of culture (ways of behaving, values, arbitrary procedures) in constructing the cognitive functions that permit reasoning properly in social interactions.
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