Changes in Body Composition with Nutritional Guidance for Weight Loss in Atheltes : Comparision with Diet Guidance Period and Self-control Period

Background Appropriate weight control and following good nutritional habits are important for athletes to achieve optimal performance. However, previous studies of university athletes have suggested that low levels of nutritional knowledge are still commonly observed. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in the body composition and the diet which occurred after athletes received nutritional guidance. Methods The subjects consisted of four male athletes and five female athletes who actively practiced karate at their university. The investigation period was six months, which was divided into two different periods. The first three months were the diet guidance period (DGP) in which the subjects were instructed on how to lose weight in order to reach their target weight. The latter three-month period was the self-control period (SCP) in which the subjects were instructed on how to maintain their weight. A food frequency questionnaire was used to measure the energy and nutrients intake. The diet program was designed based on the Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (2005). The physical measurements included the height, body weight, body fat, and maximum oxygen intake. Results The subjects maintained a lean body mass while showing a decrease in their body weight and body fat in the DGP. In addition, body fat returned to the levels observed before intervention in the SCP (n.s.). A similar tendency with body fat was found in the intake of energy, fat and carbohydrates. While the intake of protein decreased in the DGP, it was maintained in the SCP. Conclusion These results showed that self-control for weight loss is very difficult. Therefore, guidance program for advising athletes about weight loss need to provide basic nutritional knowledge and appropriate advice regarding long-term maintenance as well as instruction on behavioral changes. Key words: weight loss, the diet guidance period, the self-control period, body composition (Journal of Health Science, Kyushu University, 29 13-18, 2007) Vol.29,2007 3 13 中里由紀 斉藤篤司 今村裕行 山下あす香 宮原恵子 1) 2)* 3) 3) 4) 健 康 科 学 .29,2007年3月 ―原 著― ! " "#$%& 1 ' ! () * +,$./0&1 23456 () 7 89 :; ? @ ./0&A56 () BCD0& 2 ' +,$ EFGHI J KLMN O @ 3& P Q*BRST UV W3VX-YZ[\]^_` a b c& dJ (P 3 ef$gh ()ijkl3H0&Lmk%&'n op*qr Zstu v* [wxyz b {| } yz O~D€&‚ƒP Q 3 3 'A56 () „3 ƒ* …†ZVX ‡ˆ&‰Š k‹@31 GH 4-7 *EF VŒkŽD0… †Z‘’“” • –—ˆ&˜ ™31 k š›D0 „œ 8 * ./0 3 3'Œ …†žŸO i Q3?¢ %œ*£I …†#¤¥¦§ O©aˆ&yRk P 31 k"« ¬­H0 3& 9 'n op* ® ‰Š c&V ° ¥¦k±2Z ƒ2B ` ‚Oƒ Hˆ1 kš› D0 3& 10 ' 3 * μ6 () ¶·@ *…† c& ()VOl3 () ik*1o») 1⁄4HG o») (Pk1⁄2H0&1 kš›D 0 3& 11 ' μ6 ()$ *3⁄4? @ Am AÂA*n03$ ŒA‡ˆ&AAErZCE EkE­*EVˆ&˜ %&1 ƒžID0 3 & 12 '@ k * ()A ! * …† VX ‡ˆ& AEŠ „cIII "I ‡ˆ&žŸk Ð!H0&' n1$NOO * OO DO* O×GOA56 OO ˆ1 O3⁄46 @ () „3 *VXžŸ5U n A UU@ . /0&II 5U UÝ VXÞskb c a aâˆ&G O3 aaˆ&1 O3⁄46 @ ' 1a‡ae ‡ae Bc eee 9e (ii 4e 19.3±1.0i* ii 5 e 18.8±0.4 i )$%&' μðn 6.1±4.3 ð$% ' 2aoo o wo5U 6 o÷U @ 'To 3 o÷U £ I 3⁄4? uuˆ&1 O3⁄46 ˆ&VXž Ÿ5U*Ao 3 o÷U ()@ O ˆ& II 5U @ '‡ae £5UA ./0&A m i*()O. 'VXžŸ5U *uu ¦œwo c&‡aeý Œþ ©a*…† *…†žŸ* < “ =ZVŒ O M@* | 9 MO. ' 3 II 5 *VXÞs * I} c& ooO.acažŸ@ ' 3awo 3⁄4 ()T*() 3 o÷3⁄4„cI 6 o÷3⁄4 wo ooO @ ' 1) VXwo
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