The 1. 1 micrometer and visible emission semiconductor diode lasers. Final report, 1 January - 30 November 1977

In (AlGa)As, the first of three alloy systems studied, Continuous Wave (CW) operation was obtained at room temperature at a wavelength as low as 7260 A. Reliability in this system was studied in the incoherent mode. Zinc doped devices had significant degradation, whereas Ge or Ge plus Zi doped devices had none. The Al/sup 2/O/sup 3/ facet coatings were shown to significantly reduce facet deterioration in all types of lasers, longer wavelength units of that type having accumulated (at the time of writing) 22,000 hours with little if any degradation. A CL study of thin (AlGa)As layers revealed micro fluctuation in composition. A macro-scale fluctuation was observed by electroreflectance. An experimental and theoretical study of the effect of stripe width on the threshold current was carried out. Emission below 7000 A was obtained in VPE grown Ga(AsP) (In,Ga)P with CW operation at 10 C. Lasers and LED's were made by LPE in (InGa) (AsP). Laser thresholds of 5 kA/cm2 were obtained, while LED efficiences were on the order of 2%. Incoherent life test over 6000 hours showed no degradation.
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