Vacuum plasma fast aging with self-adjusted effect for SCFE under high current electron beam

At present, various carbon field electron emitters (CFE) have already got extensive applications, related researches got in depth day by day. In the field of application of carbon field electron emitter, once we need to consider the operation environment of an application, according to the feature of electron beam, we can divided all the applications into two fields: application of the low current electron beam, and the application of the high current electron beam. The low current electron beam application included a set of fields which we were very familiar, e.g. the microwave tubes, [1] flat panel display [2] , light sources with the field electron emitter [3] , lithography machine [4] , sense devices [5] , electron microscopy [6] and MEMs devices [7] etc. The high current electron beam application deal with more wider range of disciplines and technologies, in which lot of application has already involved in economic beneficial result, e.g. some x-ray tubes [8] , the RF power amplifiers [9] , small free-electron lasers [10] , and lot of commercial strong current electron beam equipments [11] etc. In basic, the CFE is getting to appear its advantages on all application fields.
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