Determining the presence of chicken and turkey meat in selected meat products using Real-Time PCR method.

The one of the most convenient method for the identification of animal species in raw and processed meat products is the examination of DNA sequences. Real-Time PCR are particularly suitable because even small fragments of DNA formed during heat processing of the meat can be amplified and identified. TaqMan Real-Time PCR is a rapid, convenient and sensitive assay for meat identification. For chicken and turkey meat identification we were using species-specific primers and TaqMan probe designed on the mitochondrial cytochrome b. The intensity of the fluorescence signal has risen at a variety of different samples. We analysed sixteen the samples of turkey meat products and we found the incidence of chicken at nine samples in the range of the detection range of the reaction0.1 to 100%.  Sample 8 fluorescence intensity exceeded the detection threshold in the 22.11 cycle (Cp = 22.11); Sample 6, (Cp = 23.19); Sample 1 in 27.08 cycle (Cp = 27.08); Sample 7 in 31,7 cycle (Cp = 31.7) and sample 5 in 32.32 cycle (Cp = 32.32). All Cp values for these samples fluorescence intensity exceeded the detection threshold in earlier cycles as sample the 100% turkey DNA. It follows that in the samples no. 8, 6, 1, 5, and 7 is in the range of chicken DNA detection range of the reaction, from 0.1 to 100%. Sample 11 in the cycle 27,08 (Cp = 27.08); Sample 10 in the cycle 27.8 (Cp = 27.8); sample 16 in 28.03 cycle (Cp = 28.03) and sample 13 in the cycle of 29.18 (Cp = 29.18). In recognition of the results of the monitoring of the content of chicken meat in meat products it is appropriate to further verification and testing detection kits used to work for possible use in practice since it has been found to be sufficient sensitivity and specificity to 30 cycle reaction.
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