P02-470 - War psychic disorders treatment: Current perspectives

Background The confrontation with extreme events, such as a death threat, may release acute psychiatric troubles named “acute stress disorders” in the DSMIV-TR. Current operational context in Afghanistan is unpredictable and leads military surgeons to support soldiers facing major psychic suffering. Clinical practice confronts them with the difficulty to decrease the symptoms often strong, especially sleep disorders. Circadian rhythm disruption, lack of recovery may be at the origin of somatic and mental exhaustion. Methods We propose a debate about the principles of a medico-psychological handling based on the current operational experiences of the French military psychiatry. Special operational circumstances led military psychiatrists to prescribe an antipsychotic, small-dose, in the evening. Results Unexpected results are observed on some symptoms like sleep disorders (improvement of sleep disorders, less traumatic nightmares, sensation of restorative night) and hyperarousal. Conclusions This clinical discovery leads to a reflection on physiopathological and pharmacological perspectives and to engage an observational study over 30 clinical cases and clinical trial project. Identifying, preventing, and treating operational stress at battlefront can provide the opportunity not only to improve operational performance, but also possibly to improve case by case the mental health.
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