Danish Cake UKM located in Krembangan 04/16 no.4B Taman, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61257is one of the SMEs that has felt the direct impact of Covid 19 which befell Indonesia since earlyMarch 2020. The type of business is in the food sector, namely as a cake producer pastries,birthday cakes and various types of bread until finally choosing to focus on producing Pastry Sticksand Choux Sticks and other pastries. Due to covid-19 sales at the Danish Cake UKM decreasedquite significantly, reaching a figure of 30%. The Covid 19 pandemic forces people to change theway they shop consumers who prefer online shopping which is considered safer than coming intocontact with sellers. Meanwhile, the Danish Cake UKM has not optimized their online sales so far,because they still rely on their agents and resellers. Therefore we are trying to maximize themarketing strategy 4.0 which combines offline and online interactions that occur betweenproducers and customers. For online channels, we make shopping applications either via the webor via Android phones as a means of virtual shopping as well as a customer database. With thisapplication, consumers just need to shop through their respective cellphones, select the cake theywant, then pay and the cake will be sent to the buyer's address. Other use of online channels is byimproving content through Instagram, Facebook and fanpages and by creating accounts inmarketplaces such as Shopee. With the implementation of the Marketing 4.0 strategy for theDanish Cake UKM, it is hoped that it will increase the sales of its products both online and offline,then branding awareness of the product will also increase.
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