Femtosecond-laser-induced nonadiabatic alignment in photoexcited pyrimidine

The rotational wave-packet dynamics in electronically excited pyrimidine induced by a femtosecond laser pulse at 321.5 nm has been studied by time-resolved mass spectroscopy and photoelectron velocity-map imaging. The rotational revival features at 81.3 ps, which are the direct manifestation of field-free nonadiabatic alignment, are clearly observed in both the time-dependent ion yields and photoelectron angular distributions. In particular, the out-of-phase recurrences in the parent-ion and fragment-ions transients indicate the different directions of the ionization transition-dipole moments for the generation of the parent ion and fragment ions. By tuning the polarization of the probe light parallel or perpendicular to that of the pump light, we demonstrate the potential application of nonadiabatic alignment to manipulate the branching ratio of photoionization products.
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