[Mono- and polyvalent synthetic sialosides as inhibitors of Mycoplasma pneumoniae adhesiveness].

: Nine mono- and polyvalent sialosides as substances inhibiting adhesive properties of mycoplasma Mycoplasma pneumoniae--the agent of human atypical pneumonia have been studied in the reaction of hemagglutination (RHA) using solid-phase variant of ELISA-test ("sandwich"--variant), which is based on the competition for specific binding in RHA between the studied syalosides and sialylglycoproteins of fetuin conjugate with horseradish peroxidase. Of seven polymers--P alpha.12.ONa(N1), P alpha.12.EA(N2), P alpha.12.NH2(N3), P alpha.12.AES.10.ONa(N4), P alpha.12.Hg.20.ONa(N6), P20.SLea.NH2(N7), as well as monomer alpha-Bn Neu5Ac and fucoidan the polymers 5, 2, 4 and 7 in concentrations as to the content of sialic acid 1.0; 1.3; 1.35 and 10.0 M, respectively, most efficiently (up to 98%) inhibited the adhesiveness of M. pneumoniae. Polymeric sialosides 3, 6 and 1 proved less active and, the concentration of sialic acid in the composition of their molecules being 10.0 microM, inhibited adhesiveness of M. pneumoniae by approximately 77, 75 and 62.5%, respectively. Antiadhesive activity of fucoidan and monomer proved too low under concentration of these substances as to the content of sialic acid in them 25 microM: they decreased the ability to adhesion in M. pneumoniae by 33 and 56%, respectively. This proved that polyvalent sialosides 2, 4, 5 and 7 are promising for creation of drugs for treatment and prophylaxis of human pneumonias of mycoplasmal etiology on principally new basis with regard for the properties of the disease agent.
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