[Current Situation and Tasks for International Activities of BLS -Presentation for International Congress or Study Abroad-].

: Nowadays, global consciousness is important for the human race. Many Japanese businesspersons and even students try to improve their foreign language skills, and try to get a chance to join international activities. International Activities of BLSs are as follows: 1. Apply for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) business for supporting developing countries as a technical expert. Since JICA activity is supported by the Japanese Government, it must be worthwhile and will complete large-scale business. After the completion, it might be difficult to find a good work place to utilize JICA ex- perience. 2. Study abroad such as joining an exchange program, or working as a researcher or trainee. Some Japanese institutes provide systems for studying abroad for BLSs. We should study language and improve our professional skills. An employer might give permission for a short stay easily. Support from a supervisor is important. 3. Overseas occupation. We will need certification or a license when we work abroad. Study or work abroad is a precious experience. We should be clear on the purpose and select a suitable place with a long-term plan. Among international activities, it is easy to be a presenter at the World Congress. There are many inter- national congresses for BLSs such as the IFBLS World Congress, AAMLS Congress, or Scientific Congress for each special filed. We should learn not only language, but also different cultures and international man- ners when we participate in international activities. Supervisors can help to improve the global perspective of young BLSs. [Review].
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