An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Satisfaction From Private Transport Services in District Peshawar

This study aimed to find out the consumer satisfaction from private transport services in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. For this purpose primary data was collected through structured questioner. Questioners were distributed to 450 targeted samples in the study area. Four hundred and twenty-nine questioners were successful filled from respondents. Different fifteen variables were identified from literatures which determine consumer satisfaction. As the nature of the dependent variable i.e. satisfaction is binary (categorical variable: Yes/No). Therefore, all the information’s collected analyzed through Probit-regression technique. Four different models were estimated to investigate different factors affecting consumer satisfaction individually and collectively. Out of fifteen variables nine variables are founded statistically significant. Significant variables were Quality of Vehicles, Cleanness of Vehicles, Availability of Seats, Driver Skills, Rout Characteristic, Waiting Time, Time Taken to reach destination, Regulatory Services and Frequency of Vehicle. All these variables contributed positively with consumer satisfaction. Sub factors of the timeliness were strongly relation with satisfaction level compare to other factors. Mean value of SERVQUAL dimensions showed that customers are dissatisfied from transport services. Consumers are dissatisfied at a large extent in district Peshawar and feel hesitation during traveling. Such tension and frustration during traveling affect adversely efficiency of the consumer. To avoid such dis-comport and increase in social welfare of the society which is the foremost objective of every government. Therefore, government should intervene in private sector transport and ensure suitable policy for the future perspective.
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