Характеристики культуры самовыражения будущих педагогов в ходе подготовки к реализации здоровьеориентированного образования

The article deals with the characteristics of a self-expression’s culture, the future professional work of teachers in the field of health preservation, and presents an approach to training bachelors and masters of health-oriented teaching technologies. The authors reveal the understanding of self-expression’s personality in the health-oriented on health, as a set of variables and reflected in the concept of "health". Stages of manifestations desire for self-expression in the comprehension of the phenomenon "health" at students-bachelors are opened in the article. It describes the situation of formation of students key competence «to be healthy» as parts of the self-organized activities during the training in pedagogical high school. The article presents approaches to understanding the phenomenon of "health" as the ability to adapt in the educational interaction educator and pupil. Disclosed reflexive-assessment’s aspect of activity in the context of a self-expression’s culture in the orientation of bachelors to the desired profile of higher education (eg, "early childhood education"), to implement skills for development the health-oriented on education. Features of finding by students of positive characteristics of elf-expression’s culture are presented in article. Competences of the master in the "health saving education" direction are opened through a reflection of its individual and personal characteristics on health which implies the dynamic balance of the body and its functions at interaction with the social, psychological, educational environment. The article describes the requirements to the increased level of development of key competence "be healthy" as a professional ability of the teacher/tutor with a master´s degree, which ensures the implementation of elective courses, additional educational programs. Professional development of key competencies to be "healthy" implies expression student understanding of health and healthy lifestyles, desires to realize, to know yourself, show the desire to express themselves and create some representation of themselves in the context of a culture of health. Professional development of key competence "be healthy" is assumed by self-expression of the student of understanding of health and healthy lifestyles, desire to realize, learn itself, to show aspiration to self-expression, to create certain notions of itself in the context of culture of health.
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