고추 침수 내성 자원 선발을 위한 생육 특성 조사

Chili pepper (Capsicum sp.) is an important crop across tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions of Asia. There is interest in producing pepper in rice-based cropping systems, which are subjected to long periods of waterlogging conditions. The objective of our study was to characterize the response of previously reported tolerant and sensitive Capsicum accessions to waterlogging under subtropical conditions. We tested eight chili pepper accessions from four species (Capsicum annuum, C. baccatum, C. chacoense, and C. frutescens) for their response to waterlogging stress. Plants exposed to stress treatment were subjected to waterlogging in pots for 5 days from July 27, 2020 to July 31, 2020 after transplantation by placing the pots in trays filled with water up to a height of 20 cm, while control plants were normally irrigated. At five days after waterlogging, most accessions showed reduced plant width growth, while some accessions, No. 8 (VI028788) and No. 12 (VI044312) showed slight reduction compared to control plants. Leaf temperatures were significantly higher in flooded plants compared to the control plants, except in accession No. 29 (9656-13). The wilt index of waterlogging sensitive accessions was greater than 1.5, while tolerant accessions had wilt scores of less than 0.5. For all accessions, the soil plant analysis development (SPAD) value was reduced by 10% under stress compared to control plants. Proline content in flooded plants was significantly higher than that in control plants with No. 8 (VI028788) and No. 22 (PBC481) showing the smallest increase. Pollen viability in some accessions was decreased after waterlogging. However, the effect of high temperature was much greater in most accessions as expected. Based on these results, waterlogging stress accessions No. 8 (VI028788) and No. 12 (VI044312) were identified as having the potential for tolerance to waterlogging stress.
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