La Responsabilidad Social Territorial: aprendizaje, armonización y transformación

The social responsibility of universities is an urgent issue in a world that continues towards a socially unequal and ecologically unsustainable growth, despite the already known scientific warnings and international calls of the last decades for a more responsible development. Knowledge, training and action have to go hand in hand to achieve a truly just and sustainable development, and universities have a fundamental role to play in that sense, since they are the ones that train scientists, professionals and leaders that they will decide on national and international economic and public policies. We are facing a historical moment that seeks the rehumanization and inclusion of all and all and the Universities and Higher Education can and should promote a constructive dialogue between the different interests of civil society and science for the co-creation of knowledge socially responsible. This is especially pertinent for Latin American societies, as a contribution to the consolidation of future perspectives by activating the potentialities of all social actors to build political life from the effective exercise of responsible citizenship.
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