Применение удобрений направленного действия – один из способов повышения урожайности и качества продукции томата в защищенном грунте

In providing with all-year-round vegetable production the protected soil has a great importance. Nowadays vegetable growing of the protected soil develops as dynamic and highly effective branch of agriculture. Development of branch assumes not only construction new and reconstruction of old greenhouses, but also improvement of existing technologies in cultivation of vegetable cultures. The new technologies of cultivation which are most providing biological requirements of plants provide increase in productivity [1]. Food optimization by application of biologically active agents is one of the most difficult tasks which constantly should be solved at cultivation of any culture. Application of agrochemicals of the directed action provides increase in productivity of culture and improvement of quality in received production. In winter greenhouses the tomato takes the second place after cucumber (20-25% from all area of the protected soil). The tomato differs not in only exclusive taste but also in the high content of vitamins and physiologically valuable substances. Data on influence are provided In the article there are data on influence of dosage compensation by growth regulating fertilizers on productivity and quality of hybrids production of tomato. In quality of dosage compensation it is used activave, megafoul and kendal with which in various combinations processed tomato plants. Joint application of activave, megafoul and kendal was the most effective in experience and as a result productivity increased in comparison with control by 17,9-18,8%, fruits of tomato differed with the high content of solids and sugars, the content of nitrates was within LAC
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