Analysis of Biodiesel from Jatropha Fuel Properties

This paper describes edible and non-edible oils having high free fatty acid (FFA) could not be converted into biodiesel by commercially available alkaline transestrification process. A two step pretreatment method (acid esterification) is developed for converting high FFA oil into their esters. The measured properties of biodiesels are as per standard and closure to diesel fuel. The Jatropha biodiesel, Jatropha oil & Diesel are used as fuels in compression ignition engine, and their performance and emission characteristics are analyzed. At 80% load Engine efficiency, BSFC, BTE & Mechanical Efficiency increased & nearly same as diesel at 100 % load. When load is increased Co2, HC & smoke opacity is less, CO nearly same & Nox slightly increased. Jatropha biodiesel is a oxygenated fuel, it has more oxygen & Jatropha oil can be used in diesel engine without any modification.
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