Conectando la investigación y la acción. Aportaciones desde una experiencia en torno a ecoauditorías escolares

Palabras clave: Educacion Ambiental, ecoauditorias escolares, formacion de profesorado, evaluacion, investigacion-accion. Title: Connecting research and action. Contributions based on an experience in relation to school ecoaudits. Abstract: In this article we present contributions to the teaching of sciences and environmental education which come from the carrying out of research based on an experience in relation to school ecoaudits which was carried out in Extremadura under the name of Ecocentros. With the above, we aim to contribute to knowledge about how the integration of environmental education is carried out in nursery and primary schools by means of research regarding a specific proposal for intervention. The teachers at the centers participate in the research-action regarding the development of the experience, in which the process and the results are permanently assessed. In this way, progress is made towards different forms of education which are more committed and more in keeping with modern times.
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