Cloud-Based Simulation Platform for Quantifying Cyber-Physical Systems Resilience

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) often involve trans-disciplinary approaches, merging theories of different scientific domains, such as cybernetics, control systems, and process design. Advances in CPS expand the horizons of these critical systems and at the same time, bring the concerns regarding safety, security, and resiliency. To minimize the operating costs and maximize the scalability, often time, it is preferable to use the cloud environment for deploying the CPS computation processes and simulation environments. With the expanding uses of the CPS and cloud computing, major cybersecurity concerns are also growing around these systems. The cloud itself has security and privacy issues. This chapter focuses on a cloud-based simulation platform for deriving the cyber resilience metrics for the CPS. First, it presents a detailed analysis of the modeling of the resilience metrics by mapping them with cloud security concerns. Then, it covers modeling and simulation (M&S) challenges in developing simulation platforms in the cloud environment and discusses a way forward. Overall, we aim to discuss resilience metrics modeling and automation using the proposed simulation platform for the CPS in the cloud environment.
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