Emergency Nursing From Yesterday to Today

OZ Acil uygulamalar›n tarihsel geliflim surecine bak›ld›¤›nda; ilk uygulamalara yaralar›n yaprakla ortuldu¤u ya da donan bir insan›n maara icine al›nd›¤› ilkel toplumlarda rastlanmaktad›r. 17. yuzy›lda savafl yaral›lar›n›n tafl›nmas› icin ambulanslar›n ve ilk kurtarma ekibinin oluflturulduuna iliflkin anlat›mlar bulunmakta; 1800'lu y›llarda hasta say›s›n›n artmas› ile acil bak›m›n populer olmaya bafllad›¤› ve triyaj kavram›n›n ilan edildii belirtilmektedir. Tarihsel geliflime bak›ld›¤›nda; resusitasyon standartlar›, tecavuz kurbanlar›n›n bak›m›, hastane oncesi bak›m, cocuk bak›m›, yafll› ve psikiyatri hastas›n›n bak›m› gibi bircok alanda acille ilgili say›s›z gerceklerle karfl›lafl›lmaktad›r. Turkiye'de acil hemflirelii 1960'dan sonra ele al›nmaya bafllanm›flt›r. Kaynaklarda acil birimlerde cal›flan hemflirelerin, dier birimlerde cal›flan hemflirelerden daha farkl› ozelliklere sahip olmalar› ve mutlaka ozel eitimden gecmelerinin gereklilii vurgulanmaktad›r. Anahtar Kelimeler:Acil T›p, Acil Hemflirelik, T›p, Hemflirelik, Tarihsel Geliflim ABSTRACT When it is looked through historical process of emergency implementation,it is met that the primitive communities which were draped with leaf of wound site and person who is freezing was taken into the cave. It has been expressions that in the 1700's ambulance and first aid team were const›tuted for transport of persons who were injuried in war. It is identify that in the 1800's emergency care was began to be popular related to an increase on number of patients and triage concept was celebrates. When it was looked through historical process, it was founded numerous facts in the many areas such as resuscitation standarts, care of rape victims, prehospital care, children care, care of the elderly and psychiatric patient. Emergency nursing was began to considere after 1960 in Turkey. It is emphasized that the nurses who are working in the emergency units must have more different characteristics than the nurses and definitely trained in this area who are working other units.
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