Produktivitätsverbesserung durch klinikweite RIS und PACS: eine Fallstudie

Problem. How are improvements in productivity in connection with RIS/PACS to be defined? What do they cost? To limit the problem to the relevant topics, we first describe the objectives of a radiology department and the identified bottlenecks in the workflow. How to define and assess the improvements is discussed. Methods. The case in question for this study is the RIS/PACS project at theKlinikum der Universitat Munchen, Campus Grosshadern. The goals of the project and its present status are reviewed.The project is not yet completed, so this is a midterm report. Results and discussion. We describe the status of the achieved and not yet achieved goals and of the eliminated bottlenecks. On the plus side,for example, nearly 100% of all digitally generated images (except mammogramms) are digitally archived. They are accessible to the same percentage in radiology via PACS and in the hospital via the webbased intranet image distribution system when needed. In some radiology areas, such as multislice CT, already the reporting can no longer be performed without softcopy image interpretation. However, the full elimination of hardcopy images is still not reality, since the distribution to DICOM viewers for selected requesters with demands for almost reporting quality, high cost image displays is still in thetestphase. To reduce film costs, images are being printed on a high resolution paper printer in addition to the intranet distribution during this transition period. On the negative side, due to a lack of job positions in the transcription rooms, about 40% of the reports are still being handwritten by radiologists. Furthermore,the dictated and transcribed reports are usually still not available early enough in the RIS and thereby in the intranet report distribution of the hospital. Here only a speech recognition system can remedy the situation.As soon as this problem is solved and the image distribution to the DICOM viewers works routinely, the reports and the images will be accessible within minutes to maximally within some hours after the Conclusion. The goals reached so far suffered delays due to unforeseen problems and pitfalls. Altogether, a quieter operation and workflow in radiology has already been achieved, due to less inquiries from the requestors for unfinished examinations, images and/or image copies.
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