Evaluation of effectiveness of labour analgesics in programmed labour

Background: Management of labour is an art and science and many a times achallenge in the present scenario with the advent of many modifications in labour science and the increasing demand of the clients for a safe an experience. "Programmed labour is an indigenously developed protocol for labour management developed with dual objective of providing pain relief during labour and reaching the goals of safe motherhood by optimizing obstetric outcome" 1. I this direction the current study was undertaken to examine the effectiveness of analgesics used in the management of Programmed labour. Materials and Methods: This prospecti management of labour by programmed labour protocol assessed for effectiveness of labour analgesia. Two patients went for caesarean section in the beginning itself due to non patient was set into active labour in three distinct groups. Then the analgesic medication was administered as per the protocol in programmed labour. The postmedication the cervical dilatation and duration of labour was examined and analysed statistically. patients had bearable pain (pain score 1 with unbearable pain (score 3) 12 (57.2%) had complete pain relief. Out of 135 patient who had cervical dilatation of 3 cms, 75% had substantial relief of pain. Those who had 1 medication. Conclusions: Programmed labour protocol proved to be efficient in pain relief, shorter duration of labour, reduction in incidence of dystocia, reduction in instrumental deliveries and caesarean sections with a good maternal and neonatal outcome in both primi and multigravidae. Management of labour is an art and science and many a times achallenge in the present scenario with the many modifications in labour science and the increasing demand of the clients for a safe an experience. "Programmed labour is an indigenously developed protocol for labour management developed with dual objective of providing pain relief during labour and reaching the goals of safe motherhood by optimizing obstetric I this direction the current study was undertaken to examine the effectiveness of analgesics used in the management of Programmed labour. Objectives : To study the efficacy of Obstetric analgesics in programmed labour. This prospecti ve study includes two hundred women in active phase of labour who underwent management of labour by programmed labour protocol assessed for effectiveness of labour analgesia. Two patients went for caesarean section in the beginning itself due to non -reassr ing Foetal status. Labour pain scoring was done when the patient was set into active labour in three distinct groups. Then the analgesic medication was administered as per the protocol in programmed labour. The postmedication pain relief scoring was done. Efficacy of the analgesic in relation to the cervical dilatation and duration of labour was examined and analysed statistically. Results patients had bearable pain (pain score 1 ), 177 had severe pain (score 2) and 21 had unbearab le pain (score3).Of the group with unbearable pain (score 3) 12 (57.2%) had complete pain relief. Out of 135 patient who had cervical dilatation of 3 cms, 75% had substantial relief of pain. Those who had 1 -2 hrs of active labour, 73% had substantial pai Programmed labour protocol proved to be efficient in pain relief, shorter duration of labour, reduction in incidence of dystocia, reduction in instrumental deliveries and caesarean sections with a good maternal and eonatal outcome in both primi and multigravidae. ketamine, amniotomy, pain score, Active manageme nt of labour, Pain relief score. Management of labour is an art and science and many a times achallenge in the present scenario with the many modifications in labour science and the increasing demand of the clients for a safe an d not so painful experience. "Programmed labour is an indigenously developed protocol for labour management developed with dual objective of providing pain relief during labour and reaching the goals of safe motherhood by optimizing obstetric I this direction the current study was undertaken to examine the effectiveness of analgesics used in the : To study the efficacy of Obstetric analgesics in programmed labour. ve study includes two hundred women in active phase of labour who underwent management of labour by programmed labour protocol assessed for effectiveness of labour analgesia. Two patients went ing Foetal status. Labour pain scoring was done when the patient was set into active labour in three distinct groups. Then the analgesic medication was administered as per the Efficacy of the analgesic in relation to Results : Of the 198, parturients 2 le pain (score3).Of the group with unbearable pain (score 3) 12 (57.2%) had complete pain relief. Out of 135 patient who had cervical dilatation of 3 -4 2 hrs of active labour, 73% had substantial pai n relief after Programmed labour protocol proved to be efficient in pain relief, shorter duration of labour, reduction in incidence of dystocia, reduction in instrumental deliveries and caesarean sections with a good maternal and ain relief score.
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