Axon-sparing lesion of the preoptic area enhances receptivity and diminishes proceptivity among components of female rat sexual behavior

Abstract Stereotaxic infusion of ibotenic acid deleted neurons in the medial preoptic area (POA) in the ovariectomized female rats. A well-circumscribed lesion was infiltrated by astrocytes; local axons of passage were spared. Following estrogen priming and progesterone supplement, the females with the lesion had higher lordosis quotients than the vehicle-infused controls, when males successfully mounted them. On the other hand, the treatment did not induce solicitation in females with the lesion nor reduced their rejection of male partners. Meanwhile, gradual and persistent suppression of the lordosis reflex followed electrical stimulation through electrodes placed in the POA lesion. Except that the females with the POA lesion needed less estrogen to obtain comparable prestimulation quotients with the controls, the lesioned and control animals responded similarly to the stimulation. Because an adjunct neural transection dorsal to the POA lesion abolished the stimulus-bound suppression of lordosis, the effect was due to the activation of axons of passage that presumably descend from the septum. It is concluded that the POA is the major target for estrogen in eliciting proceptive behavior; local POA neurons as well as septal efferents appear to inhibit the lordosis reflex, the principal receptive component in female rat sexual behavior.
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