[Initiation cocaine use in elderly patients: a case report].

INTRODUCTION: Cocaine use is an uncommon condition in older people, a population in which cocaine use is probably overlooked. Cases initiation of use in late adulthood as well as elderly relapsing to use from youth drug use have been reported. CLINICAL CASE: We report a woman of 61 years of age hospitalized in the detoxification unit for cocaine dependence tratment (used 1-1,5g/ day). She did not begin cocaine use until she was 60 years old. Some risk factors include retirement, chronic pain, and affective symptoms are related with loneliness and increased cocaine use in elderly, and account for the underreporting of abuse or dependence. Old people have more medical conditions related to cocaine use and have greater health deterioration than young people. DISCUSION: Cocaine use should be evaluated in every patient, and elderly patients should be checked particularly when presenting atypical medical or psychiatric conditions.
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