NIST/NCI Micronutrients Measurement Quality Assurance Program : Measurement repeatabilities and reproducibilities for fat-soluble vitamin-related compounds in human sera

The NIST/NCI Micronutrient Measurement Quality Assurance Program has conducted 33 interlaboratory comparison exercises for fat-soluble vitamin-related compounds in human sera over the past 12 years. Periodic reanalysis of lyophilized serum samples prepared from more than 70 different sera has enabled estimation of the short- and long-term measurement characteristics. Median- and interquartile-range-based statistics adequately estimate the distribution of results from laboratories that are in analytical control from total distributions that include a significant minority of outlier data. Short-term interlaboratory reproducibility standard deviations (SDs) are predictable functions of analyte concentration, with an asymptotic limit at low analyte concentration and a linear relationship at high concentrations. Long-term trends in the interlaboratory reproducibility can be estimated by standardizing the short-term SD at the observed analyte concentration to an expected SD at a given physiologically significan...
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