Spin origami with Weyl and Dirac line nodes in distorted kagome antiferromagnets

Recent work has identified distinct topological states of systems at the edge of mechanical stability, among them origami and kirigami (cut origami) sheets. The zero-energy modes of such a sheet are those which reorient the edges of the sheet without stretching them or tearing any of the faces, reminiscent of the zero modes that result from constrained spin dynamics in frustrated magnetic systems. We present an exact mapping from frustrated antiferromagnetic systems onto general origami sheets and a criterion for when this mapping holds. This allows a direct application of topological phonon band and rigidity theories to the spin systems. Most immediately, flat origami sheets have many zero modes, while "crumpled" origami acquires mechanical rigidity but typically retains a reduced residual entropy. We argue this entropy follows from a topological number that enables both mechanical and spin origami to have Weyl lines. We then identify two experimental candidates for spin origami materials: Cs2ZrCu3F12 and Cs2CeCu3F12. The former has a flattenable origami structure while the latter has a crumpled origami structure with a point group symmetry. Surprisingly, the additional symmetry promotes the Weyl line nodes in Cs2CeCu3F12 to doubly degenerate Dirac line nodes.
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