Busca ativa de crianças com necessidades especiais de saúde na comunidade: relato de experiência

Aim: to report the experience of Nursing students of Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana in the active search of Children with Special Health Needs (CRIANES) by two Family Health Strategy (ESF) teams of a city in southern Brazil and to outline their main demands for care. Method: experience report conducted during the supervised internship in a Family Health Unit. Results: four CRIANES were found, who were not known by the health team. It was observed demands of: care for development; care for medication; modified care; and technological care. It was recommended to the health team: higher frequency of home visits; planned attention to CRIANES and their families; care protocols; exchange with schools. Final Considerations: this experience has demonstrated the importance of Family Health Strategy in making active search and monitoring the care of CRIANES through comprehensive actions of health promotion, prevention of diseases and intersectoral actions
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