Effect of different tillage, nutrient management practices and foliar sprays on Post-harvest soil available nutrient status of redgram [Cajanus cajan (L.)]

A field experiment was conducted during two consecutive kharif seasons of 2019-20 and 2020-21 to study the influence of tillage, nutrient levels and foliar sprays on post harvest soil nutrient status of redgram on sandy loam soil which was low in available nitrogen, medium in available phosphorus and available potassium. The experiment was conducted in a split split plot design, consisting of three tillage practices in main plots, three nutrient levels in sub plots and three foliar sprays in sub sub plots. Higher available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was recorded with vertical tillage with subsoiler upto 60 cm deep at 1 m interval with application of 125% RDF and with foliar application of KNO3 1% twice with 15 days interval at 50 per cent flowering stage.
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