MALDI MS Guided Liquid Microjunction Extraction for Capillary Electrophoresis–Electrospray Ionization MS Analysis of Single Pancreatic Islet Cells

The ability to characterize chemical heterogeneity in biological structures is essential to understanding cellular-level function in both healthy and diseased states, but these variations remain difficult to assess using a single analytical technique. While mass spectrometry (MS) provides sufficient sensitivity to measure many analytes from volume-limited samples, each type of mass spectrometric analysis uncovers only a portion of the complete chemical profile of a single cell. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) MS and capillary electrophoresis electrospray ionization (CE–ESI)-MS are complementary analytical platforms frequently utilized for single-cell analysis. Optically guided MALDI MS provides a high-throughput assessment of lipid and peptide content for large populations of cells, but is typically nonquantitative and fails to detect many low-mass metabolites because of MALDI matrix interferences. CE–ESI-MS allows quantitative measurements of cellular metabolites and increased analyte...
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