5-HI modulation of auditory and visual sensorimotor gating: I. Effects of 5-HTreleaserson soundand light prepulseinhibition

Increasing evidence suggests an important effects of fenfluramine could be dissociated. MDL role for serotonin (5-HT) neurons in the etiology and 28,618A alone did not affect prepuise inhibition or basal treatment of schizophrenia. The prepulse inhibition para- startle levels, demonstrating an important functional dif- digm is used as a model for sensorimotor gating process- ference between pharmacologically induced 5-HT uptake i es that are disrupted in schizophrenia. The present study blockade and 5-HT release. In summary, these data indi- assessed the general role of 5-HT in modulating auditory cate that serotonergic overactivation can disrupt auditory anti visual prepulse inhibition in Wistar rats. A general and visual sensorimotor gating as measured using sound meractivation of central serotonerigic pathways was pro- and light prepulse inhibition in rats. These data support a duced pharmacologically by four different agents which potential role of excessive 5-HT activity as a contribut- all shared the common property of releasing 5-HT, i.e., ing factor to disrupted sensory gating processes seen in /_-chloroamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphet- schizophrenia and possibly other neuropsychiatric disor- anfine, N-ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, ders.
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