We present the ionic charge state composition structure derived from axisymmetric MHD simulations of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), initiated via the flux-cancellation and magnetic breakout mechanisms. The flux-cancellation CME simulation is run on the Magnetohydrodynamics-on-A-Sphere code developed at Predictive Sciences, Inc., and the magnetic breakout CME simulation is run on ARC7 developed at NASA GSFC. Both MHD codes include field-aligned thermal conduction, radiative losses, and coronal heating terms which make the energy equations sufficient to calculate reasonable temperatures associated with the steady-state solar wind and model the eruptive flare heating during CME formation and eruption. We systematically track a grid of Lagrangian plasma parcels through the simulation data and calculate the coronal density and temperature history of the plasma in and around the CME magnetic flux ropes. The simulation data are then used to integrate the continuity equations for the ionic charge states of several heavy ion species under the assumption that they act as passive tracers in the MHD flow. We construct two-dimensional spatial distributions of commonly measured ionic charge state ratios in carbon, oxygen, silicon, and iron that are typically elevated in interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) plasma. We find that the slower CME eruption has relatively enhanced ionic charge states and the faster CME eruption shows basically no enhancement in charge states—which is the opposite trend to what is seen in the in situ ICME observations. The primary cause of the difference in the ionic charge states in the two simulations is not due to the different CME initiation mechanisms per se. Rather, the difference lies in their respective implementation of the coronal heating which governs the steady-state solar wind, density and temperature profiles, the duration of the connectivity of the CME to the eruptive flare current sheet, and the contribution of the flare-heated plasma associated with the reconnection jet outflow into the ejecta. Despite the limitations inherent in the first attempt at this novel procedure, the simulation results provide strong evidence in support of the conclusion that enhanced heavy ion charge states within CMEs are a direct consequence of flare heating in the low corona. We also discuss future improvements through combining numerical CME modeling with quantitative ionic charge state calculations.
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