P131 The degree of acute respiratory support with COVID-19 pneumonia, smoking status on admission and non-resolving CT features at three months- are there links?

P131 Table 1Max FiO2/Resp support 21% ≤ 35% 40%≤ 60% CPAP/HFNO IPPV No. patients 10 8 11 16 5 Age (mean) 62.1 71.6 62.5 62.7 51.6 Mean fibrosis score (0–25) 8.5 7.0 11.6 9.23 18.6 Mean pneumonitis score (0–25) 6.7 9.6 7.5 15.2 22.6 M: F ratio 7:3 3:5 6:5 10:6 4:1 Ex-smokers*% 50 75 64 33 20 Current smokers* 0 0 0 0 0 *smoking status at time of admission was available on 42/50 patientsConclusionsWe noted significant risk for developing post-Covid pneumonic fibrotic changes even in clinically mild cases. With SpO2 at times of peak incidence being main indicator for CXR and/or admission we surmise there may be a significant unrecognized population without an initial CXR to prompt follow-up. It is not clear whether these patients will develop significant symptoms to prompt future investigations and what impact this might have. No patients developing ongoing CT changes were current smokers- a topic we suggest for further study and correlation.ReferencesMcGroder CF, et al. Pulmonary fibrosis 4 months after COVID-19 is associated with severity of illness and blood leucocyte telomere length. Thorax29April 2021. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2021-217031Xiaoyu Han, et al. Six-month follow-up chest CT findings after severe COVID-19 pneumonia. Radiology 2021;299:1, E177–E186.
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