Overin dev mikst tip seks kord stromal tümörü

Sex cord-stromal tumors account for approximately 7% of all primary ovarian tumors. Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumors and Granulosa cell tumors are subtype of sex cord stro- mal tumor of the ovary. Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumors ac- count for less than 0.2-0.5% of all primary ovarian neo- plasms. Granulosa cell tumors account for 3-5% of all primary ovarian neoplasms. Mixed subtype of sex cord stromal tumors are very rare a condition. Very few case reports have been documented in the literature so far. Despite the rather large lesion at the time of diagnosis in sex cord stromal tumors, 80-90% of patients will pres- ent at stage 1. A case of 21-year-old nullipar woman who presented with a 2-month history of a pelvic pain, menor- rhagia, rapidly increasing abdominal distention, and alo- pecia. Pelvic ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed 175x170x93 mm septal cystic mass in the left ovary. The patient underwent left unilateral salpin- goophorectomy because of huge septal cystic mass and fertility preserving surgery. In histopathological examina- tion these masses were evaluated as mixed (Granulosa cell/Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumors) sex cord stromal tumor. This case was chosen and reported due to its rarity and clinical properties
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