The effects of space radiation on thin films of YBa2Cu3O(sub 7-x)

This investigation had two objectives: (1) to determine the effects of space radiation on superconductor parameters that are most important in space applications; and (2) to determine whether this effect can be simulated with Co-60 gamma rays, the standard test method for space materials. Thin films of yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) were formed by coevaporation of Y, BaF2, and Cu and post-annealing in wet oxygen at 850 C for 3.5 h. The substrate used was (100) silicon with an evaporated zirconia buffer layer. The samples were characterized by four point probe electrical measurements as a function of temperature. The parameters measured were the zero resistance transition temperature (T sub c) and the room temperature resistance. The samples were then exposed to Co-60 gamma-rays in air and in pure nitrogen, and to 780 keV electrons, in air. The parameters were then remeasured. The results are summarized. The results indicate little or no degradation in the parameters measured for samples exposed up to 10 Mrads of gamma-rays in nitrogen. However, complete degradation of samples exposed to 10-Mrad in air was observed. This degradation is preliminarily attributed to the high level of ozone generated in the chamber by the gamma-ray interaction with air. It can be concluded that: (1) the electron component of space radiation does not degrade the critical temperature of the YBCO films described, at least for energies around 800 keV and doses similar to those received by surface materials on spacecraft in typical remote sensing missions; and (2) for qualifying this and other superconducting materials against the space-radiation threat the standard test method in the aerospace industry, namely, exposure to Co-60 gamma-rays in air, may require some further investigation. As a minimum, the sample must be either in vacuum or in positive nitrogen pressure.
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