Environmental Quality and Occupational Health Special Emphasis Area Plan (SEAP)

Abstract : The Deputy for Development Planning, Human Systems Division, is tasked with performing studies and analyses to identify future requirements in the areas of crew protection and aerospace medicine, crew system integration, force readiness, and environmental protection. This special Emphasis Area Plan (SEAP) focuses on the functional area of environmental protection, identifying systems and enabling technologies needed to support the goals of Air Force environmental programs. This SEAP also lists Air Force Systems Command programs related to these systems and technologies and assesses the time frame and criticality of each technology relative to the system it supports. Systems discussed include hazardous material identification and toxicity evaluation systems, cost modeling systems, improved industrial hygiene and waste minimization systems, environmental monitoring technology evaluation systems, and simulation and testing facilities, risk analysis and cost projection systems, and long term environmental planning systems. Enabling technologies include biologically based toxicity computer modeling, rapid toxicity screening, tiered approach to toxicity testing, artificially intelligent expert toxicology system, combustion toxicology standards, hydraulic fluids toxicology studies, standards for evaluating engineering trade-offs, cost models, industrial process analysis methods, waste regeneration analysis methods, design criteria for advanced materials processing and handling, simulation and testing facilities, risk analysis methods, cost projection models, and long range planning methodologies.
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