Railway Passenger Inbound Streamline Design and Programme Evaluation for Temporary Waiting Based on the Linear Weighted Sum Method

With the continuous growth of passenger travel comfortable demand, the setting of temporary waiting areas can effectively cope with the crowdedness of specific conditions and ensure the passengers travel safety and satisfaction, especially when railway passenger stations encounter the short-term sudden large passenger flow caused by the Spring Festival transport season, large number of trains being delayed, secondary security checks, etc. This paper puts forward five temporary waiting zones available for passengers’ selection, divides the temporary waiting passengers into two categories, designs accordingly the passenger inbound flow line programme, and establishes a dual-objective evaluation model for the streamline scheme. Finally, Shanghai Hongqiao Station is selected, and the linear weighted sum method is used to complete the design and evaluation of the temporary waiting passenger inbound streamline scheme. The results show that passengers are intended to temporary waiting area. The minimum costs solved quantitatively verify the feasibility of inbound streamline design scheme, and could provide data support and decision-making basis for optimizing the passenger flow organization of railway stations.
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