Cost of sublingual bacterial vaccines in the treatment of asthma in children

Background: Bacterial lysates have been used in the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections for many years. Recent studies show their possible immunoregulatory potential also in asthma therapy. In health policy in addition to an effectiveness of the therapy, a key measure seems to be the cost of the treatment . Aim: The aim of the study was to estimate the total cost of polivalent mechanical bacterial lysate (PMBL) therapy in the treatment of asthma in children. Methods: Pharmacoeconomic analysis of the overall cost of combination therapy (PMBL / placebo and typical asthma treatment) was based on data from a randomized double-blind study carried out in 2014-2015. Analyses related to 3-month period of PMBL therapy or placebo. Results: The study involved 120 children aged 6-17 years with IgE-mediated asthma treated with ICS (inhaled glucocorticosteroids) or ICS and LABA (long-acting beta-agonists). During 3 months of therapy unit cost of visits to the specialist clinic and in primary care, amounted to 8.1 EUR in the PMBL group and 9.2 EUR in the placebo group, while in the night aid care units 2.9 EUR (PMBL) and 1 EUR (placebo). The lowest unit costs in both groups generated patient transport (PMBL-5,3 EUR vs. placebo- 14.4 EUR), the highest- drugs and devices for their administration (PMBL-vs. placebo- 44.1 EUR 40.1 EUR). Indirect costs were estimated at 85.9 EUR / person (PMBL) vs. to 104.5 EUR / person (placebo). Differences between groups were statistically significant (p Conclusions: There was a significant reduction in both direct and indirect costs of asthma treatment in children during the period of application of PMBL added to the standard anti-asthmatic therapy.
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