The Usage of Google Translator Apps in Translation of the Arabic-Language Book intoIndonesia and Malaysia: Comparative Review

Google Translate is a service provided by Google to translate part of a text or web page into another language, with a limitation of the number of paragraphs or a number of translated technical terms. In some languages, users are asked to attach alternative translations, such as alternative translations of technical terms, for inclusion in future updates to the translation process. The vibrancy of translation of Arabic language religious books in Indonesia is seen as significant compared to Malaysia which only records very few. At this point, the paper sheds a light on translation activity in Malaysia and Indonesia as comparison. This paper intends to identify whether the motivation or motive has a major role behind the great effort of Indonesia to translate the Arabic language religious books and what are the factors contributing to the slowdown of Arabic language translation in Malaysia. Based on the observation, many studies in the field of translation involve the translation of foreign languages into Malay such as Thai-Malay, Chinese-Malay and French-Malay languages but Arabic translation into Malay is very little. This study uses qualitative methods by analysing documents, articles and studies on translation of Arabic language religious books in Indonesia and Malaysia. The findings show that ideology and education motives are a key factor for translators in Indonesia to continuously conduct translation activities. In addition, economic motives also encourage translators and publishers to quickly translate and publish religious books. In Malaysia, there are some challenges and constraints that contribute to the delays in the translation and publication of religious books, among which are strict censorship and control in the religious ideology. Additionally, publishing activities thatare more focused on the results of scientific journal writing in educational institutions rather than translation of books also caused translation activity to be quite slow. Other than that, weak funding and marketing strategies also affect the national book industry. However, the translation activities of religious books should not be looked down upon. Serious attention is needed by some parties to address these issues in order to ensure that the world's finest works are well-translated and attract more translators to engage in these fields.
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