The Borg Cube Simulation: Cosmological Hydrodynamics with CRK-SPH

A challenging requirement posed by next-generation observations is a firm theoretical grasp of the impact of baryons on structure formation. Cosmological hydrodynamic simulations modeling gas physics are vital in this regard. A high degree of modeling flexibility exists in this space making it important to explore a range of methods in order to gauge the accuracy of simulation predictions. We present results from the first cosmological simulation using Conservative Reproducing Kernel Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (CRK-SPH). We employ two simulations: one evolved purely under gravity and the other with non-radiative hydrodynamics. Each contains 2x2304^3 cold dark matter plus baryon particles in an 800 Mpc/h box. We compare statistics to previous non-radiative simulations including power spectra, mass functions, baryon fractions, and concentration. We find self-similar radial profiles of gas temperature, entropy, and pressure and show that a simple analytic model recovers these results to better than 40% over two orders of magnitude in mass. We quantify the level of non-thermal pressure support in halos and demonstrate that hydrostatic mass estimates are biased low by 24% (10%) for halos of mass 10^15 (10^13) Msun/h. We compute angular power spectra for the thermal and kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects and find good agreement with the low-l Planck measurements. Finally, artificial scattering between particles of unequal mass is shown to have a large impact on the gravity-only run and we highlight the importance of better understanding this issue in hydrodynamic applications. This is the first in a simulation campaign using CRK-SPH with future work including subresolution gas treatments.
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