The effect of stenosis of bypass grafts on coronary blood flow. A mechanical model study.

A mechanical model of a branched coronary artery with a graft bypassing an 80% stenosis of one branch was used to study the reduction in coronary flow due to stenosis of the bypass graft. Flow Reynolds number and ratio of aortic pressure to dynamic pressure were matched to the living system. Changes in coronary flow were measured for a range of stenoses (0-100%) of bypass grafts with graft-to-coronary-diameter ratios of 4:1, 3:1, 2:1 and 1:1 for conditions that simulated rest and exercise. The results of these studies indicate that: 1) marked stenosis of bypass grafts is needed to decrease coronary flow in the resting state, and even moderate stenosis will decrease flow during exercise when the diameter of the bypass is large relative to the coronary artery; 2) coronary flow is decreased with mild stenosis for bypass grafts of the same diameter as the coronary artery; and 3) a marked decrease in flow due to stenosis of a bypass graft occurs only when the diameter of a stenosis in a graft is less than the ...
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