A hairy affair: tarantula setae-induced panuveitis requiring pars plana vitrectomy

Cases of ocular inflammation following penetration by urticating hairs from caterpillars and tarantulas have been previously reported and although rare, the condition is increasingly being recognised as a cause of chronic panuveitis. The long-term outcomes and prognosis of this condition are not well known. This article describes a case of chronic panuveitis as a result of ocular penetration by tarantula setae, and its challenging management that ultimately required pars plana vitrectomy. Interventional case report: A 29-year-old male presented with chronic panuveitis secondary to tarantula-hair penetration. Initial management with mechanical removal of hairs from the cornea and intensive topical steroid therapy for 18 months did not adequately control his symptoms. Pars plana vitrectomy was carried out and at 6-month follow-up the patient was symptom-free without any pharmacological therapy. We propose early pars plana vitrectomy as a management option for treatment-resistant panuveitis in cases of ophthalmia nodosa secondary to setae-related injury.
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