Prevalence of Bovine Trypanosomosis, its Vector Density and Distribution in Dale Sadi District, Kellem Wollega Zone, Ethiopia

3 Abstract: A cross sectional study was conducted in Dale Sadi district of west Oromia regional state to determine the prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis and apparent vector density using parasitological and entomological survey from November, 2013 to April, 2014. Blood samples from 710 randomly selected cattle of both sex and different age groups were collected and examined with conventional hematological and parasitological techniques. Out of the total examined animals, 45/710 (6.34%) cattle were infected with trypanosomes. Most of the infections were due to Trypanosoma congolense 30/45 (66.67%) followed by Trypanosoma vivax 13/45 (28.89%), Trypanosoma brucei 1/45 (2.22%) and the rest were mixed infections of T. congolense and T. vivax 1/45 (2.22%). The prevalence of the disease between the sex was 7.22% for males and 5.47% for females without statistically significant difference (P>0.05) during study period. In similar manner there was no statistically significant difference among age groups (p>0.05). The overall mean PCV values were significantly different between aparasitaemic and parasitaemic animals (p<0.05). Glossina morsitans sub- morsitans and Glossina pallidipes, Tabanus and Stomoxys were caught. The entomological survey showed that the apparent densities of different flies in the study area were 0.05, 2.42, 3.89, 1.29 fly/trap/day for Glossina morsitance sub-morsitans, Glossina pallidipes, Stomoxys and Tabanus respectively. The study revealed that trypanosomosis is the main constraint to livestock production and agricultural activity in Dale Sadi, Western Ethiopia. Finally, a few points of recommendations are forwarded to alleviate the problem.
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