Discussion on "Pulverised fuel firing without a pulveriser" at the Yorkshire Section of the Institution

MR. R. J. MITCHELL (who presided): The principal thing I have learned from Commander Tollemache is that the old idea, which I feel sure is somewhat current, that any old trash in the carbonisation of fuel was good enough for pulverising, has not been quite a correct idea. It seems that the same old law that applies in most regions of practical work, namely that the more you pay for a product made in a competitive market, the more you get for your money, largely obtains in this field. Nevertheless, in my mind there is still a doubt. This remarkable technique of fuel preparation seems, by implications from Commander Tollemache's remarks, to be unavailable for low grade fuels, and I would like him to amplify his remarks concerning this phase of the subject. It would be heartening to think that the millions of tons of fuel of quite low commercial value in years gone past may perhaps have a utility when pulverised for such jobs as firing in specially constructed grates such as are employed in large steam generators in power stations.
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